
This tasty, quick, and healthy dish is from the site:  I have another Tofu Marsala recipe on my site which is outstanding, but takes a bit longer to prepare. That recipe is from "Japanese Foods that Heal" by John and Jan Belleme.

Drain tofu either in tofu press or by laying tofu on paper towels with cutting board on top of tofu. I put some heavy cans on board so tofu is sufficiently pressed. Let tofu press for 20 minutes. After pressing, slice tofu into cutlet strips.

Drizzle a bit of soy sauce over both sides of the tofu cutlets. Put flour in bowl and and dip each cutlet in flour on both sides. What I like to do is brown the tofu on both sides either on my griddle or in lightly oiled skillet.

In a large skillet or griddle saute the the garlic and mushrooms in a bit of broth until the mushrooms are cooked and browned. Make sure to add a wee bit more broth so veggies don't burn. Add a bit of salt and pepper over the mushrooms/garlic. Then add the cup of veggie broth. Add the miso, margarine, and marsala wine. Keep stirring the sauce so it doesn't stick to the skillet. When mushrooms are done, add the browned tofu cutlets and cook them in the marinade. I also like to add a tsp of Gravy Master to darken the sauce. Add the lemon juice and more pepper.

This sauce is wonderful over rice, mashed cauliflower or potatoes and served with a side of greens!