To help you on the road to health and wellness!


There are many wonderful books that both educate and present delicious, nutritious and healthy whole foods, plant based recipes. This list is part of my current collection which is always a 'collection in progress'. 

Read more: Bibliography

Guide to WFPB Lifestyle

This comprehensive guide is available as PDF.
Click here to open

In the News

In the News article content goes here (this might be a separate category, containing news items) 

WFPB Websites


You want to go plant-based, but need some help. Your next door neighbor is into steaks, fries and ice cream. No help there. Check out these best sights that are totally whole foods, plant based and oil free.

Read more: WFPB Websites

Resource Articles

Evidenced based research and articles on whole foods, plant based nutrition - from the leading respected physicians and researchers in the field.